Kwekwe General Hospital is one of the health facilities in the Midlands Province which was selected for the Site Improvement through Monitoring of Systems (SIMS) conducted in April 2022. The purpose of the SIMS visit supported by USAID Zimbabwe, Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and Zimbabwe Health Interventions (ZHI) was to strengthen Clinical Laboratory Interface (CLI). During the support visit, USAID and CDC teams were highly impressed by the great viral load monitoring results at the hospital.

“USAID and CDC reviewed files of pregnant and lactating women on Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) to check implementation fidelity of viral load (VL) monitoring algorithm. Out of the 8 files randomly selected for review, 7 had a VL sample collected on time according to the national recommended algorithm.” Commented Dr Talent Maphosa (CDC) after completing a VL assessment exercise at Kwekwe General Hospital Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) Department.

Dr Maphosa was impressed by the assessment results: “All the 7 randomly selected files had a suppressed VL result documented with the longest turnaround time being two months. Only one client did not have a VL sample collected representing a missed opportunity.”

“The great VL results show what can be achieved when MOHCC nurses, clinical and laboratory partners are intentional about addressing a gap within the HIV treatment and care cascade. The results demonstrate the value of clinic-lab interface intervention.” Continued Dr Maphosa.

The Sister in Charge for Kwekwe General Hospital- Netsai Pfute was commented for her leadership which resulted in teams working together for a common goal. A leader par excellence, Netsai is well known for promoting teamwork and challenging her staff to always aim for the best.

“My staff is motivated to produce quality results because we move together in one direction. Kwekwe is now the centre of excellence due to the manner that the staff members execute their duties.” Said Netsai who has been with Kwekwe General Hospital for more than 10 years. Sister Pfute is also a trainer of trainers for cervical cancer screening and treatment and a focal person for Kwekwe district.

Sister Sekai Miranzi, the MOHCC PMTCT Nurse who was commented for offering her services with distinction is confident that Kwekwe General Hospital will remain a centre of excellence in the district and beyond:

“We are client centred; our priority is to offer quality services regardless of the challenges that we face on a day-to-day basis. The hospital has a one stop centre with Early Infant Diagnosis (EID, clients get instant results and there is a doctor specifically supporting Family Child Health (FCH).”

As at April 2022, 2 411 People Living with HIV (PHLHIV) accessed HIV testing and treatment services at Kwekwe General Hospital. A total of 331 mothers were booked for antenatal care with 12 of them newly initiated on ART. During the period October 2021-2022, 9 exposed infants tested positive to HIV and 8 of them were initiated on ART.